Україна наростила імпорт овочів
Дата: 28.04.2020

ovochiUkraine increased its vegetable import by 61.6% - from $ 56.5 million in the first quater of 2019 to $ 91.4 million in the first quater of 2020. At the same time, export of domestic vegetables decreased by 14.4%. According to January-March 2019, it brought $ 41.9 million to Ukraine, and $ 35.9 million over the same period this year.

The largest negative trade balance in this category, currently at $ 55.5 million (last year - $ 14.6 million), increased in March this year when vegetables were imported by $ 36.6 million (in January - by $ 24.5 million, in February - $ 30.2 million).


